Urinary incontinence post surgery for Prostate Cancer is virtually always present and in most cases progressively improves as wound healing occurs. Your urologist will advise you when you may be able to start using an incontinence clamp-like device such as the Pacey Cuff.
After 1 year, approximately 10-15% of patients will have residual control problems. Loneliness and frustration are common so don’t let this hold you back. Start looking for solutions that will enable an active life.
Exercise is the best “free” mood drug you can find- you need both mental and physical workouts! Support your physical health with exercise and your mental health by attending support groups.
Visit these sites to find more information about Prostate Cancer support groups near you:
And while you are taking care of your physical & mental wellbeing, seek out solutions to manage the day to day effects of urinary incontinence. Ask your urologist about Pacey Cuff. The Pacey Cuff is a scientifically designed type of urinary clamp. Its patented design allows it to be worn all day without concern about loss of circulation in the penis.
Take care,
Incontinence Penile Clamps Incontinence Pads Urinary Incontinence
Pacey Cuff Ultra with Power Sleeve included & Pacey Cuff Incontinence Jock with Reusable Pads
See also: The Psychology of Incontinence. Part 1