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Disruptive Innovation in the Male Incontinence Space

Pacey MedTech Ltd. Incontinence Fighter Program

The research and development arm of Pacey MedTech Ltd. is vigorously attacking the problems of male and female incontinence. The recent market assessment by Christie Consulting Ltd. has shown that recent product developments are important to change this market.

The Clamp is dead!

Urethral Control Devices emerge.

PMT will show that a new class of urethral control devices will replace hundred-year-old clamping devices. The missing link in this area for males has been the inability of inventors to efficiently block the urethra while preserving circulation. This has now been achieved and proven, and devices will be coming soon to online markets and distributors.

There is great interest in trying to change the way that these problems are handled in the age of patient awareness.

Stand by for more news!

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